
Monday 26 September 2011

Urban Redevelopment

I've been playing with ideas and come up with this amended plan for East Whittington. The most noticeable change is moving the viaduct to the left hand side of the layout, expanding the area available to 'the arches'.

East Whittington
Not to scale

Here, under or in the shadow of the viaduct there could be a mini-cab office (S&S Models portakabin office), a lock up garage (doubling as Don's Dodgy Motors) and a scrap yard. Opposite the warehouse there may even be space for a stand alone, up and down pub - bit like the Lion and Unicorn in The Long Good Friday. We could call it The Governor General (sic), where a rival firm hang out.

But before I take my ideas any further for this down at heel area, I need to watch Lock Stock... again, as apart from being a great laddish movie it has some evocatively seedy locations.

Turn one of the posh shops into a jewellers and all in all, I think we could film an entire series of The Sweeney on this layout! Also, plenty of roads for army patrols and corners for cover.

Now, where should I place the obligatory stacks of empty cardboard boxes for the car chases!



  1. Excellent planning, Mark!

    I really need to get back to working on my urban board...sigh...



  2. Really enjoyinmg this but I cannot start a new project!


