
Sunday 1 January 2012


First off, let me wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Winter of '79 remains my main gaming focus for the coming year, with off-shoots into the Falklands and even pulp seventies Africa (The Bakonga of '79). I hold my hands up and say that I let the painting and modelling side of things slide in 2011. I aim to put that right in 2012, so you will definitely see more painting and modelling related posts as I relearn the skills lost due to my neurological trauma earlier in the year.

2012 is also likely to be a challenging year across the globe. Flexibility and the willingness to adapt to the coming change is the key to remaining above water. We are lucky in that we have a hobby which allows us to escape the real world if we let it. So Winter of '79 will be our own safe refuge from the sometimes insanity of the day job and world at large.

28mm Zulu War using Black Powder and a measured return to 15mm/20mm Sci Fi are also on the cards. More about the latter on Dropship Horizon soon. The Zulu War will be a slow burner and won't really take off until after Easter. In the meantime Tims Miniature Wargaming Blog elicits inspiration and envy in equal measure, and I'm keeping a firm eye on Matakishi's Zulu War Project for ideas and inspiration.

Thanks for following the blog and listening to my ramblings. All the best for the coming year! Have a good one!


1 comment:

  1. And a Happy New Year to you and yours.I look forward to reading more of your projects as the year unfolds...
