
Sunday 24 August 2014

Anarchy in the UK!

Punks came pogoing into the 1970's. They were a groundswell movement of working class kids bringing energy and a new urban rebellion that would quickly become the popular image of Anarchy for over a decade. Even today perhaps thanks to the Mad Max franchise Punks are synonymous with visions of post apocalyptic feral gangs.

Apocalypse Miniatures 20mm Punks
(images courtesy of Apocalypse Miniatures)

Since the demise of the excellent Citadel Miniatures Dark Future range, surprisingly no 20mm manufacturer in the UK has picked up the mantle of this distinctive and popular sub-culture. Until now that is... Apocalypse Miniatures have just released 10 new 'heroic' 20mm post-apocalyptic Punks.

 They definitely look the biz and I've already put an order in with Apocalypse Miniatures through their eBay store, so they will be headbutting my door in sometime this week. Which is great timing as we finished  the 'gang' warfare section of our upcoming rules last week and these new Punks will fit straight in and become part of our test games.

I plan to leave some as is but others will have their weapons replaced by SLRs, Sterlings and Brens for pure God Save the Queen, Winter of '79 anarchic urban chic.

 I'm also looking forward to using these new Apocalypse Miniatures in more traditional post apocalyptic games and use them against a stream of different dystopian future and Sci Fi foes. Time to break out the Ambush Alley SOG 2010 post apocalypse Wasteland scenario pack from Apocalypse Miniatures informed me on the back of my purchase that trench coat gangers and futuristic police are on their way too.

Go and check out Apocalypse Miniatures on Facebook and eBay.



The figures proved to be 25mm. See comparison photo below. Apocalypse is going back to rework the figures to 20mm. I've provided them with a Citadel OOP Dark Future Punk to use as a guide.

That's a Liberation Miniatures
Falklands range figure on the right



  1. I had a look at the ebay store. At 1.45 a figure they seem a bit pricey - but very nice nonetheless.

    1. The 10 figure pack is £10.99 and Compared with eBay traders selling discontinued Dark Future figures at anything up to £11.99 plus £3.75 postage for a single casualty figure, there's no comparison.

      Plus, to quote Maff "How many do you need?" On their own or mixed in with existing gang, urban, survival figures a couple of these guys can add real colour and character to your game.

      Mark (from work)

  2. They look good- I'd be interest to see how they compare height wise both to the old Dark Future range and other 20mm moderns.



  3. Most of the punks I knew in the 1980s couldn't be bothered to learn to play two chords on a guitar, so I had little faith in their ability to survive the apocalypse or learn to operate an Uzi. It was the nerdy kids with short haircuts who put themselves through uni with the army reserve that seemed to be the most likely survivors. But they are nice minis, if a tad optimistic.

    1. Made me laugh! Well done mate! Too true. But it's a popular image - I blame Mad Max and the Daily Express myself!


  4. Probably all to true but.......with phrases like "sten guns in Knightsbridge" and the undercurrent of political violence in a The Clash lyrics, Winter of '79 needs armed punks. It's almost a law and if it isn't then it will be just as soon as the kids get Whitehall up against the wall. Ah well, time to work out how many different colour bondage trousers I can paint on the little sods before my eyes mutiny.

  5. DO you happen to know when they might be done? I was looking at adding them as Marauders for a Twilight 2000 game.
