
Monday, 12 July 2010

Dutch Treat

Back to work this morning in glorious sunshine. As we are in the middle of the 'Tattie' Holidays I had the luxury of an empty carriage. So spent the joruney carefully studying each farm, steading and small clutch of houses we passed - taking mental note of each.

It turned into one of those days, so left promptly tonight to drop by Hobbycraft on the way to the station. Picked up a 1/76th Airfix  Saracen APC and a Bedford MK (both ex-JB Models).

Prize purchase was a Hornby Dutch Barn - the latter reduced from £19.99 to £13.99 and then a further 30% off at the till. Less than £10 - bargain! Recommend a stop by Hobbycraft if there's one near you.

Last week my head was spinning with trying to decide what urban/rural scenics to buy. Eyeballing the countryside again on the way home, I'm going to concentrate  on creating a rural setting initially - enough models for 2 farms and a clutch of buildings round a crossroads, tumbled down cow sheds etc - plenty of inspiration locally.



  1. I bought some Tamiya dinosaurs at Hobbycraft for 50% discount....

  2. Rural settings you say ? Hmm... I think I have something interesting for you Mark. 15mm haystacks that could work with 20mm minis I think. Made in resin by Wargamer, another Polish miniatures company:
