Saturday, 29 May 2010

"Kids! Sisters! Brothers!

The heat is on! The Pigs are on the street! The sickening so called election of the thatcherite fascists exposes the sham of so called british democracy. the working class have sold themselves out to a repressive bourgeois sexist pig regime. the SPG goons are showing us the violence inherent in the iron clawed system as the brutal tory nazis roll back the frontiers of the state right over our heads.

Kids! 2-4-6-8! Its never too late to UNITE and FIGHT!

what do we want?
a workers revolution and an end to the fascist repression!
when do we want it?

Get on the Streets!

Rick Spart
Red Spike Youth Revolution




FROM: Pierce
TO Smith Harry

Harry, the lamplighters picked this up. A case in point. One for your talents I think. Recommendations through usual channels though it's your game.




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