Here's a typically 'buff' 1970s Morris Marina, a great street prop for Winter of '79. The ex-Hotspur figure was to hand as he is slated to be painted in the next batch and gives you an idea of scale. The Marina really is a nice little model.
On my work surface at the moment are various 20mm urban figures for W'79. RH Models Urban Meltdown in helmet with SLRs, Elhiem and Irregular rioters, plus Elhiem 70's cops and robbers.
You know, if there's one job I used to hate with a passion, it's undercoating. Especially when applying by hand and even more especially when it's black. Luckily though, my neurological episode a year or so ago disconnected me from historic negative emotions. Nowadays, I find undercoating by hand a relaxing experience instead of being a mind numbing chore. Helped no doubt by the fact that I seem to have hit just the right technique for mixing Humbrol Matt black in the tin (hence the cocktail sticks). I can dip my No.8 brush and apply straight onto the models with the minimum of fuss.
Need to get through them pretty quickly as I have a pair of Ferret Mk2s arriving from Shaun at S&S Models this week, courtesy of Maff. Am looking forward to these.
I'm not going to Claymore next weekend. Another neurological casualty I'm afraid. Instead, I'll reinvest some of the petrol money saved by picking up additional new BAOR AFVs and softskins from Shaun to round out my Winter of '79 collection, including the Land Rover Recce and 109 series Ambulance.
Got to go, tough day at the office in the morning.
Keep up the good work.