Monday, 14 January 2013

SCW Progress

It's our anniversary, so time is short.... Head down at work but encouraging me to finish my 15mm SCW fincas. Well that was the plan but the paint jobs worked out so well that I've created a whole lot of new shells to work on. The photo above is for Rusty to see how the poor man's pantiles scrubbed up with a lick of paint. Obviously there's still some way to go to finish this little scene but painting those tiles has made all the difference.

This one's not too bad. I was so tired when I put the roof on that I scored the wrong side and glued it with the pantile effect on the inside....oops.

Just in case you're interested, the walls are painted with Homebase Flawless Pecan emulsion (guess what colour our living room walls are) Once dry, it was stipled with hobbyists acrylic Yellow Oxide (the mouldy colour) and Autumn Leaves (the Spanish red earth colour). The Pecan was then drybrushed over the top of that. The roof is an opaque layer of Autumn Leaves, Devlan Mud wash - yes I still have two bottles - and a light drag/dry brush of Pecan to highlight/weather.

Wargaming bit the bullet this weekend. We had to replace the washing machine, so Captain Oddjob here was responsible for getting the old one out and new one plumbed in. Then the Freelander needed attention - in the snow of course. H. had a meeting with her surgeon today so wasn't a job that could be put off.

This is going to be a bitty week, but hopefully should be back in 1979 mode by the weekend.



  1. A very effective building, your work is excellent. Looking forward to the next installment of 79 as well.

  2. Hi Mark, Lovely job on those Spanish buildings. I very much like how the paint effects have come together. If you want to paint a roof on my behalf, Mrs Rusty has a couple of ceilings I would point you at! Aye, Rusty

  3. Looking great, it is hard to believe it was once a packet of Felix!
