Saturday 15 October 2011

Don't Cry For Me Aberystwyth

It won't have escaped your notice that our collection of Cold War British figures and kits for Winter of 79 puts us in a good position to replay the Falklands conflict next year.

The Falklands has been a slow burning interest for Maff and myself over the past couple of decades or so, but with a lack of basic figure resources, its just not been do-able without making a compromise too far that negates any enjoyment in collecting the minis and erodes our will to play.

I guess in some respects, Winter of '79 came about because we wanted to do something with the handful of Platoon 20's and ex-Hotspur figures that we had each collected back in the 80's.

No surprise then that we intend to refight the ding dongs of the land conflict in 20mm. We have a core infantry company size force of suitable Toms plus enough extras to create Para, Marine or Guards units as needed. So now, we can comfortably sit back and wait for the choice of Argies to improve over the coming months.

Despite the 'big' anniversary drawing near in 2012, it's not my intention to change the main focus of Winter of '79. Though naturally we will share our Falklands games with you, togther with the prep and all the news of the latest Cold War era British miniatures, kits and models.

Given there are likely to be new Falklands conflict miniatures available in 2012. For instance, the guys at Mutineer Miniatures mentioned at SKELP that they were thinking about it. We're not going to jump the gun right now, but instead bide our time and reserve our cash and see what develops.

Don't get the impression that we have parked the Falklands until next year. Far, far from it. The last few games and Maff's damned Scout helicopter have provided us with a source of threads that will create a rich tapestry of scenarios over the coming months. This includes our own Winter of '79 orientated tribute to the Falklands conflict. We are restaging the hill battles for Stanley, only firmly set in the Welsh mountains between the forces of the emergency government and the Free Taffs, as the long anticipated drive on Cardiff gets under way.

I've been dog tired since I returned to work, on top of which I've been battling a head cold since last weekend. Still working a few hours a day but it's full throttle; inducting new staff, leading a new team and taking my multiple project streams forward again. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the challenge and glad to be back. But have little energy for anything other than sleep by the time I get home. It'll get easier as my stamina improves, I find my equilibrium again and the team settles in over the coming week.

Wales vs France tomorrow, saturday. Big game. A couple of rousing national anthems to boot. Will be painting figures in front of the Telly and joining Maff in cheering for Wales whilst Heather will cheer the Frenchies (born there).


1 comment:

  1. Nice to see your getting back into the swing of things at work. I know I felt better when I started working agene also. Take care and enjoy your weekend.
